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Is Call of Duty exclusivity good for Xbox gamers?

With the recent rumbles and the back and forth between Xbox and Playstation the question no one is really asking is, is Call of Duty exclusivity a good thing for Xbox players? Now fans of Xbox have been waiting a long time to be in a position where Xbox is on the front foot and with good reason after the announcement of the Xbox One went down like a sinking ship and lots of Xbox players swam over to the other side, the other side of course being the Playstation 4.

There are positives and negatives in all dealings and in this case, lets run through them and if you agree or disagree, please let us know in the comment section below or alternatively on our Facebook posts.

Firstly, having Call of Duty on Xbox as an exclusive will no doubt result in players making a switch back to Xbox, resulting in a larger player count on Xbox titles including Call of Duty itself, which when looking at things on face value seems to be a good thing. However not everyone will be willing to make that switch, especially those who are heavily invested in their Playstation systems, truly no one really knows the exact numbers that would make the

jump over from Playstation, but I imagine that it will be less than those who would prefer to natively stay on that system. This would of course mean that overall, on modes such as Warzone or others, there would actually be a lot less players, which could result in longer wait times between games, and/or players being unable to play with their friends who decide to not make the jump.

Secondly, exclusivity will result in Activision games coming to Xbox Game Pass which will no doubt save some of us money, especially since the prices of games are skyrocketing higher each year and Call of Duty seems to be one of those titles that the prices always stay really high even years after its release. I for one truly love Xbox Game Pass and the service it brings, I’ve never had so many games to play and with other exclusive titles being present at launch what more can anyone ask for. I personally can’t see Call of Duty on Xbox Game Pass as a negative, maybe someone else would like to point one out to me, It would be good to hear an alternative prospective on that.

Thirdly, exclusive content for Playstation will no longer be an issue and they will no longer get early access, well at least not after the deals between Activision and Sony are complete,

which is after the next three titles I believe. Now this can look like a win for Xbox but sometimes competition leads to innovation and whilst Sony or Microsoft aren't pushing Activision for deals and content Activision could potentially get lazy with their developments leading to a result of less polished games and content, now I’m not saying that will happen as I imagine Xbox will push Activision if it starts to get sloppy, but it could be an excuse to put things on the back burner from time to time.

Finally, Xbox could take Activision down a path that leads to games such as Call of Duty making changes that nobody really wants to see, and in turn taking things backwards rather than forward. It’s unlikely since Xbox continue to suggest they are taking a back seat with all of their studios and allowing them to have creative license, but not impossible.

This is a big subject at the moment and we at Boss Fight Gaming would love to know your opinions on this since it's going to change things such a large number of gamers across the board. There's no doubt we’ve missed some of the negative impacts that could arrive after this game becomes and exclusive so any that come to mind, please express your views.

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